The Village of Teutopolis owns and operates their own well field and drinking water filtration system, along with purchase agreements with satellite entities to satisfy an adequate supply, and supplement long term growth. Available water capacity are as follows: Village of Teutopolis – 55,000 GPD (Conservative Average); City of Newton – 360,000 GPD (current Contract Value) and City Of Effingham – 50,000 GPD (Emergency Need). Total available water: 465,000 GPD. The Village currently uses approximately 130,000 GPD. The distribution system is comprised of two (2) 150,000 GAL elevated water towers, strategically located on the East and west sides of town. The Newton supply main was designed to allow for the transmission of up to 500,000 GPD and the Effingham connection could feasibly support up to 300,000 GPD. With a modification to the purchase agreements, this water could be available. The Village uses a modern SCADA/Telemetry system for system alarm and control.
The Village also operates their own waste water treatment and collection system. The treatment facility consists of approximately fourteen (14) acres of aerated lagoon, with a rock filter. The design average flow for the facility is 0.372 MGD. The Village is exempt from effluent disinfection. Current Dry Weather Average Flow: 0.12 MGD. Current Wet Weather Average Flow: 0.21 MGD.
Applications are needed for Water Service Change, Water Disconnect or New Construction Water & Sewer Tap. Applications may be picked up during normal business hours at the Village Hall, 106 West Main Street or call 217-857-3543. Your annual drinking water quality report may be accessed at http://www.ilrwa.org/CCR/Teutopolis.pdf. This report contains important information about the source and quality of your drinking water. To speak with someone about this report or to request a copy please call 217-857-3543 ext 201. Please read letter from the IL Dept of Public Health recognizing the Teutopolis water system.
Check your faucets, toilets, dishwashers, showers and hot water for irregular dripping or leaks. Fix faucets if they start to drip, Leaks account for 13.7% of all US household water use, a number that translates to thousands of gallons paid for and not used per year. By identifying and repairing these leaks quickly, you can save money and water. A “running” toilet can waste two gallons of water per minute. A silent leak in a toilet can waste up to 7,000 gallons of water per month. Even a small leak can waste a large amount of water, using less water allows more water to stay in the ground or in a surface reservoir which helps to maintain a natural water balance, preserve water life and save water for future use. See how much water you loose from a Dripping Faucet.